(A)   Police force. The fees of the Chief of Police and members of the police force, for serving or executing process under any law or ordinance of said city, shall be the same as are allowed by the statutes of the state, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and several members of the police force to attend to the collection of all fees due them for serving or executing process, where collectable, and the same shall be paid into the city treasury in like time and manner as fines and penalties are required to be paid by ordinance.
   (B)   Election officials. Judges and Clerks of Election in the city, shall each be entitled to receive the sum of $5 for each day they may be actually engaged in registering votes and in holding and conducting any election.
   (C)   Witnesses and jurors. The compensation of witnesses and jurors attending or serving before any Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, in any suit or action for the recovery of any fine or penalty under the ordinances of said city, shall be governed by the state statutes in relation to like proceedings before Justices of the Peace.
   (D)   Pay period for appointed employees. Employees of the city, county, or state who are employed for terms of one year by appointment of the Mayor of said city and who are compensated at a monthly rate, the one-half part whereof is payable twice each month, shall be paid the one-half part of their monthly salary on the fifteenth day of the month for services rendered during the first half of the month and the one-half part of their salary on the first day of the month for their services rendered in the last half of the preceding month. The City Clerk and the City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary vouchers and supporting records and to issue the checks of the city in payment of such compensation on the fifteenth and first days of each calendar month as hereinabove directed.
(Prior Code, Chapter 3, Article 4) (Res. 1 (Series 1967-1968, passed - -)