(A)   Before any permit referred to in this chapter shall be issued, the applicant for such permit shall have deposited with the City Clerk approved by the Public Works Director a performance and maintenance bond or, in the alternative, a license and permit bond in the penal sum of $2,000, which bond shall provide that the permittee shall well and satisfactorily restore the street or other opening and guaranteeing said satisfactory restoration for a period of one year after same is made, including correction or restoration of any damage to any private individual’s property. If the permittee anticipates requesting more than one permit per year, as required by this section, he or she may furnish one continuing bond, as aforesaid, in the penal sum of $2,000, unless a larger bond is required by the Public Works Director. If said $2,000 bond is not deemed adequate by the Public Works Director, he or she may require an increase in the amount thereof promised upon the estimated cost of restoring the street opening or openings.
   (B)   In addition to the requirement in division (A) above, the permittee shall, before the permit is issued, furnish the City Clerk with a certificate of insurance showing the liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 for personal injury and $500,000 for property damage. Such certificate of insurance shall indicate that the permittee has purchased contractual liability insurance to comply with the following indemnifying agreement, namely: to indemnify and hold the city or its agents, employees, and servants absolutely whole and harmless from, on account of, and against all claims, demands, or suits which may be brought by any person or persons arising out of any acts or work done pursuant to the award of such permit to the permittee notwithstanding that such claim, demand, or suit may be the result of negligence of someone other than the permittee or his or her subcontractor, including attorney fees.
   (C)   Self-insured corporations may deposit a hold-harmless agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney.
(Ord. 10 (Series 2018-2019), passed 3-4-2019)