§ 151.36 COST; PAYMENT.
   (A)   Cost. All sidewalks, including grading therefor, with or without curbing, which shall be ordered constructed in and by the city shall be constructed in the following manner, to-wit: one half of the cost to be borne by the owner of the lot or piece of ground fronting thereon and one half of the cost to be borne by the city.
(Prior Code, Chapter 17, Article 2, § 2)
   (B)   Payment - city share. Public benefit vouchers may be issued by said city in payment for its portion of said assessment. Said public benefit vouchers shall not be issued in excess of the city’s share of the cost of any sidewalk improvement and shall be in installments to correspond with the yearly amount assessed against said city as public benefits. Such vouchers shall be a direct obligation of the city, and the amounts thereof becoming due each year shall be included in the annual appropriation bill as part of the Annual Sidewalk Fund for such year and shall be due and payable as soon as any monies are transferred to and paid into said fund by virtue of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance. Said vouchers shall be an interest at the rate of 5% per annum from their date, payable annually, on May 1 in each year until maturity, at the office of the City Treasurer. Said vouchers shall be properly numbered and dated and registered in the name of the legal holder by the City Treasurer, and the city hereby reserves the right to pay the whole or any part thereof at any time before maturity. Said vouchers shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, with corporate seal affixed, and shall bear the certificate of the Board of Local Improvements that the amount payable thereon is correct.
(Prior Code, Chapter 17, Article 2, § 6)