(A)   Any building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter erected, constructed, altered, or remodeled to be used wholly or partly for dwelling purposes or any new or old building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter located or moved into the city or relocated within the city to be used wholly or partly for dwelling purposes shall conform to the following requirements.
      (1)   Light and ventilation. The objective of light and ventilation requirements is to assure satisfactory and healthful living conditions by providing natural light and ventilation in sufficient volume, proportioned to the size and intended use of the rooms. The following provisions shall apply:
         (a)   Required windows:
            1.   In habitable rooms, 10% of floor area of room;
            2.   Ventilation area to be not less than 4% or floor area of room; and
            3.   If windows open on covered porches and terraces or are in rooms, any portion of which is more than 18 feet from a window, the glass shall be not less than 15% of the floor area of the room.
         (b)   Bathroom:
            1.   Required glass area not less than 10% of floor area; minimum three square feet; and
            2.   Ventilation area not less than 4% of floor area.
         (c)   Basements are to provide light and ventilation by windows or glazed doors in exterior walls equal to 4% of floor area. Where there is no basement and the floor construction above is of wood, provide wall vents equal to one square foot for each 15 lineal feet of wall enclosing that area shall be provided.
      (2)   Space requirements. The objective of space requirements is to assure that each living unit provides complete living facilities ordinarily considered necessary to the health and well-being of a family arranged to provide suitable and desirable living, sleeping, and cooking accommodations.
         (a)   Number of rooms. Each dwelling unit shall contain at least one room for living, dining, and cooking; at least one room for water closet, where required; and at least one sleeping room, all provided with adequate closet and storage space.
         (b)   Floor area of rooms. The minimum floor area of rooms, exclusive of hallways, closets, and wardrobe space shall be as follows:
            1.   Living room: 150 square feet;
            2.   Living-dining combination: 160 square feet;
            3.   Living-dining kitchen combination in living unit of one bedroom: 210 square feet;
            4.   Living-dining kitchen combination in living unit of more than one bedroom: 220 square feet;
            5.   Kitchen-dining combination: 90 square feet;
            6.   Kitchen in living unit of one bedroom: 50 square feet;
            7.   Kitchen in living unit of more than one bedroom: 60 square feet;
            8.   Dining room or dining alcove: 70 square feet;
            9.   Major bedroom: 100 square feet;
            10.   Second bedroom of living unit of two bedrooms: 80 square feet; and
            11.   All other habitable rooms: 70 square feet.
         (c)   Ceiling heights.
            1.   Basement: six-foot, ten-inches clear under joists; and
            2.   Main floor: seven-foot, six-inches clear.
      (3)   Construction requirements. The objective of structural requirements is to obtain a well-built and desirable dwelling unit which provides a weather-resistant shelter.
         (a)   All portions of the structure subjected to exterior exposure shall be of such material and shall be so constructed or protected as to resist entrance or penetration of moisture and weather.
         (b)   Workmanship shall be of a quality equal to a good standard practice and material used shall be of such kind and quality as to assure reasonable durability and protection from the elements.
         (c)   All members and parts of the construction are to be properly designed to carry all loads.
         (d)   The structure shall be adequately braced against lateral stresses.
         (e)   Adequate precaution shall be taken to protect against fire and accidents.
         (f)   All foundations and footings shall be of solid masonry or cemented concrete blocks or bricks, subject to the requirements of division (A)(1)(c) above and of adequate thickness to support the building and the bottom of any footing shall be three and one-half feet below the ground level. However, this provision shall not apply to accessory buildings other than homes or commercial buildings, as defined in Chapter 156, and such accessory buildings may be constructed on a floating concrete slab of adequate thickness and strength to support the building.
         (g)   Chimneys shall be of brick or cement block with flue lining.
         (h)   Each dwelling unit shall be provided with facilities for heating. The heating equipment shall be durable and in operating condition, properly balanced, and adjusted. The installation shall be safe and provide uniform distribution of that throughout the dwelling unit.
         (i)   Each dwelling unit located above the ground on the first floor shall be provided with two separate doorways for entrance and exit.
         (j)   Locating the main entrance of a residence opening onto an alley is hereby expressly prohibited.
      (4)   Sanitary requirements.
         (a)   Where public water supply and sanitary sewer are available, each dwelling unit shall be provided with an adequate and safe method of disposal by a water carriage system.
         (b)   Where a public water supply system or acceptable private system is available, septic tanks and disposal fields are required and shall conform to sound and reasonable plumbing practices and approved methods; provided, however, compliance with Requirements for Individual Water-Supply and Sewage-Disposal Systems by the Federal Housing Administration, Illinois Standards, shall be prima facie evidence of such approved methods.
         (c)   All plumbing, except minor work, shall be performed in accordance with the Plumbing Ordinances of the city now in existence and especially §§ 50.40 through 50.48.
      (5)   Electric requirements. All electric wiring, apparatus, or appliances for furnishing light, heat, or power shall be in strict conformity with approved methods and practices for safety to life and property; provided, however, compliance with the National Electric Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), shall be prima facie evidence of such approved methods.
(Prior Code, Chapter 17, Article 1, § 5)
   (B)   Any building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter erected, constructed, altered, or remodeled to be used wholly or partly for commercial purposes or any new or old building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter located or moved into the city or relocated within the city to be used wholly or partly for commercial purposes shall conform to the requirements of division (A)(5) above so far as the same may be applicable to a building or structure devoted to commercial purposes.
(Prior Code, Chapter 17, Article 1, § 6)
   (C)   Any building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter erected, constructed, altered, or remodeled to be used for any purpose other than dwelling or commercial or any new or old building or structure or any portion thereof hereafter located or moved into the city or relocated within the city to be used for any purpose other than dwelling or commercial shall conform to the requirements of division (A)(5) above so far as the same may be applicable to any such building or structure according to the use to which it will be devoted as the same appears from the application for a permit.   
(Prior Code, Chapter 17, Article 1, § 7)
(Ord. 6 (Series 1969-1970), passed - -; Ord. 22 (Series 1979-1980), passed - -; Ord. 18 (Series 1991-1992), passed 1-6-1992) Penalty, see § 150.99