(A)   Membership. The Council shall consist of the Mayor and six Alderpersons.
(Prior Code, Chapter 4, Article 3, § 1)
   (B)   Eligibility requirements. No person shall be eligible to the office of Alderperson unless he or she shall be a qualified elector and reside within the ward for which he or she is elected nor shall he or she be eligible if he or she is in arrears in the payment of any tax or other liability due to the city nor shall he or she be directly or indirectly interested in any contract to which the city is a party nor shall he or she be eligible if he or she shall be convicted of malfeasance, bribery, or other corrupt practices or crimes nor shall he or she be eligible to any office, the salary of which is payable out of the city treasury, if, at the time of his or her appointment, he or she shall be a member of the City Council nor shall any member of the City Council, at the same time, hold any other office under the city government nor shall he or she be either directly or indirectly or be individually or as a member of a firm engaged in any business transaction (other than official) with such city through its Mayor or any of its authorized boards, agents, or attorneys whereby any money is to be paid directly or indirectly out of the city treasury to such members or firms.
(Prior Code, Chapter 4, Article 3, § 5)
   (C)   Judgment of qualifications. The City Council shall be the Judge of the Election and qualification of its own members.
(Prior Code, Chapter 4, Article 3, § 6)