(A)   Indemnification of city. It shall be the duty of any person, persons, company, or corporation maintaining, operating, erecting, or controlling any telephone system within the city to indemnify said city from all claims for damages arising or likely to arise from any negligent, unskillful, or improper construction, maintenance, or operation of any machinery, pipes, wires, conduits, poles, brackets, or other appliances owned or controlled by such person, persons, company, or corporation whereby any person or corporation is injured or any property damaged.
(Prior Code, Chapter 23, Article 3, § 1)
   (B)   Bond. For the purpose of so indemnifying said city, it shall be the duty of any person, persons, company, or corporation maintaining, operating, erecting, or controlling any telephone system within said city, as aforesaid, to enter into bond in the sum of $5,000 with surety to be approved by the Council. Such bond shall be for a period of five years and shall be renewed at such time or times as the Council, by resolution or ordinance, may require; such bond and renewals thereof shall continuously indemnify and hold harmless said city from all damages and loss occasioned, as aforesaid, during the existence and binding force thereof. Such bond shall also provide the principal obligor therein shall comply with any and all ordinances of said city, which shall be in force at the time the same is entered into or which shall become in force at any time thereafter, and said principal obligor will conform to all the terms and conditions of the ordinance granting the privileges to him or her or it by the city under which he, she, or it operates.
(Prior Code, Chapter 23, Article 3, § 2)
   (C)    Franchise; effect. All telephone companies doing business within said city or any person, persons, company, or corporation maintaining, operating, or controlling any telephone system within said city shall comply herewith, and no franchise hereafter granted by said city to any person, persons, company, or corporation for the purpose set forth in division (B) above shall take effect or be in force until after such bond shall be given and approved as herein provided.
(Prior Code, Chapter 23, Article 3, § 3)