For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMPONENT PARTS. Any component parts of a motor vehicle less than the entire vehicle.
   INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLE. Any motor vehicle from which the engine, wheels, or other parts have been removed or on which the engine, wheels, or other parts have been altered, damaged, or otherwise as treated that the vehicle is incapable of being driven under its own motor power, whether or not licensed.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. Every vehicle which is self-propelled, including tractors, dozers, machinery, and equipment, except for vehicles moved solely by human power and motorized wheelchairs.
   UNLICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE. Any motor vehicle which does not exhibit a current, unexpired license or sticker from the State of Illinois or any other state. UNLICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE includes automobiles, trucks, and motor or motorized cycles.
   VEHICLE. Every device in, upon, or by which any person, property, or material or substance is or may be transported, pushed, or drawn upon land, except devices moved by human power and devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 2, § 1) (Ord. 4 (Series 1989-1990), passed 6-19-1989)