(A)   Counting of ballots. After the closing of the polls, the ballots shall be counted, and the returns made out and returned, under seal, to the City Clerk, within 24 hours after the election, and thereupon, the Council shall meet and examine and canvass said returns and declare the result of the election and cause a statement thereof to be entered upon the journal of their proceedings.
(Prior Code, Chapter 6, § 11)
   (B)   Withdrawing of petitions; counting of ballots. Any person who has filed a petition of candidacy, as provided herein, may cause his or her name to be withdrawn from any such nomination by his or her request in writing, signed by him or her and duly acknowledge before an officer qualified to take acknowledgment of deeds and presented to the City Clerk within five days after the last day for filing nomination papers, and any name so withdrawn shall not be printed upon the ballots under the party appellation or title from which the candidate has withdrawn his or her name. The City Clerk shall preserve, subject to the right of reasonable public inspection, all such nomination papers in his or her office for a period of not less than six months.
(Prior Code, Chapter 6, § 15)