(A) Judges and Clerks. The Council shall, at least 30 days before any general municipal election, appoint three capable and discreet electors in each election district in the city to act as Judges and two such persons to act as Clerks of elections therein for the period for which they are appointed. Immediately after the appointment of such Judges and Clerks, the City Clerk shall make out and deliver to each person so appointed notice of such appointment under the corporate seal of the city.
(Prior Code, Chapter 6, § 5)
(B) Vacancy of Election Judge. If any person so appointed or constituted a Judge of Election shall not be present at the time for opening any election or shall refuse to act or take the oath to act in such capacity, the Judge or Judges present may appoint some other qualified elector of the district to fill the vacancy. If there be no Judge of Election present at the time fixed for opening the polls, such electors of the election district, as may then be present at the place of election, may fill the places of such Judges by election from their number, and the Judges so chosen shall have the same power and be subject to the same penalties as other Judges of Election; provided, all the Judges shall not, in any case, be appointed or chosen from the same political party.
(Prior Code, Chapter 6, § 6)
(C) Appointment of Clerks. The Judges of Election shall appoint Clerks when necessary to fill vacancies, and the Judges and Clerks shall take the same oath and have the same powers of authority as the Judges and Clerks of general state elections. If any Judge or Clerk shall, after entering upon his or her duties, by sickness or other disability, become unable to act, another may be appointed in his or her place by the Judges, and in such case, the person substituted shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law, and the substitution and time thereof shall be noted on the poll lists.
(Prior Code, Chapter 6, § 7)