(A)   Territories included. The territory comprising the city is included within the boundaries thereof described as follows, to-wit;
      (1)   Beginning in the middle, center, or thread of the main channel of the Mississippi River at a point due west of the northwest corner of Section 28 in Township No. Five, north of the base line, Range No. Eight, west of the Fourth Principal Meridian, in the County of Hancock and in the State of Illinois;
      (2)   Thence east on the section line between Sections 19 and 30 and between Sections 20 and 29 to the northwest corner of Section 28; thence south on the west line of said section to the southwest corner of the north one-half of the northwest quarter of said section; thence east to the center of said northwest quarter-section;
      (3)   Thence south on the west line of the southeast quarter of said northwest quarter-section and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 28 to the center of said southwest quarter-section;
      (4)   Thence west on the north line of the south one-half of the said southwest quarter-section to the west line of Section 28;
      (5)   Thence south on the west lines of Sections 28 and 33 to the point where the west line of said Section 33 intersects the south line of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad right-of-way; thence in a westerly direction on the south line of said railroad right-of-way until it intersects the north line of the south one-half of the northeast quarter of Section 32;
      (6)   Thence west on the east and west centerlines running through the centers of the northeast and the northwest quarters of Section 32 and the northeast quarter of Section 31 to the north and south centerline of Section 31;
      (7)   Thence south on said centerline to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 31;
      (8)   Thence west on the north line of said southeast quarter, quarter-section to the northwest corner thereof;
      (9)   Thence south on the west line of said quarter quarter-section to the southwest corner thereof, being on the south line of said Section 31 and being also the south line of Township Five North and the southern boundary of the city, as formerly established;
      (10)   Thence west on said township line to the middle, center, or thread of the main channel of the Mississippi River; and
      (11)   Thence up said river along the middle, center, or thread of the main channel thereof to the place of beginning.
(Prior Code, Chapter 1, § 1)
   (B)   Corporate limits. The boundaries of said city so described herein are hereby named and declared to be the corporate limits of said city.
(Prior Code, Chapter 1, § 2)