(A)   All premises using the city water supply must be equipped with an adequate gallon-measuring water meter. All meters placed in service on any premises using the city water supply will be provided and owned by the Water Department which retains the right to inspect, repair, and replace them upon reasonable notice to the owner of the premises.
   (B)   When a meter owned by the city is placed in service, other than as a replacement for a meter owned by the city already in use, the property owner or other person receiving such service shall make a deposit as herein specified. When a meter owned by the city is placed in service as a replacement for a privately owned meter, the property owner or other person receiving such service will make a deposit, as herein provided, unless the privately owned meter is received in exchange by the Water Department.
   (C)   The following deposits are hereby established based on the connection diameter.
      (1)   There is hereby established a customer deposit of $100 which must be paid prior to the connection of any water service for any customer. The deposit is refunded after 18 months if the customer is current.
      (2)   The connection fees for water and sewer shall be as follows:
         (a)   Initial meter charge: $100 plus additional costs the city may incur;
         (b)   Sewer permit: $75;
         (c)   Water permit: $50;
         (d)   Water tapping fee for up to three-quarter-inch lines: $50;
         (e)   Water tapping fee for lines greater than three-fourths inches, up to and including one inch: $75; and
         (f)   Water tapping fee for lines greater than one inch: $75 plus other additional cost city may occur.
      (3)   Meter placement will be as follows: anything under 100 feet will be put in basements and anything over 100 feet will be put in a meter vault at owner’s expense.
   (D)   If a backflow preventer is required by the state, it will be installed at contractor’s expense.
   (E)   All of said fees shall be paid with the application for a building permit at the time it is filed with the city. With respect to existing structures, said fee shall be paid prior to the time the connection is made and prior to the time the service is made available.
   (F)   The money received from these deposits and all other deposits received by the Water Department shall be placed in a revolving fund for the purchase and maintenance of water meters.
   (G)   Refund of the water meter deposit shall be made to the owners of the premises only if said premises are destroyed or no longer needed and the city-owned meter is returned in good condition.
(Ord. 4 (Series 2004-2005), passed 3-21-2005; Ord. 3 (Series 2005-2006), passed 9-19-2005)