(A)   It shall be each water user’s responsibility to maintain the user’s own service lines, service pipes, corporations, stop and waste cocks, shutoff connections, and all other parts of the water user’s system on the water user’s property and from the water user’s connection at the water main to the water user’s property in operating condition, free of leaks, at the user’s expense.
   (B)   Whenever any leak, inoperable curb stop, broken shutoff, or other failure of the system or inoperable condition occurs on the property of the water user or at any location from the connection at the main to the water user’s property, the water user shall promptly repair the leak or condition. If not promptly repaired by the water user, then the Public Works Director may take the following actions.
      (1)   He or she may give five days’ notice, in writing, to the water user or the user’s agent or occupant to repair the leak or condition. In the event notice is given and the leak or condition is not repaired by the water user in five days from sending the notice, the Public Works Director is authorized to terminate the users water and shut off the user’s water service to that location.
      (2)   If the leak or condition is causing an immediate nuisance or hazard, the Public Works Director, in his or her discretion, may repair the leak or condition immediately and charge the cost thereof to the water user. If the water user fails to pay the cost within 30 days from the time the bill is sent, then the Public Works Director is authorized to terminate the users water service and shut off the user’s water service.
   (C)   Charges for material used shall be at city cost and, for labor, shall be at the worker’s hourly rate, as established by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 9 (Series 2002-2003), passed 10-21-2002)