(A)   Enforcement of water and sewer bills.
      (1)   All unpaid water and sewer bills accruing at any time after the effective date of the ordinance adopted in this section shall be considered delinquent 30 days after bills for same have been forwarded by ordinary mail to the address of the users shown on the records of the City Clerk. All such delinquent water and sewer bills shall be forwarded a second notice upon them becoming delinquent, said second notice to be forwarded by ordinary mail to the address of the users shown on the records of the City Clerk. In addition to any other language the City Clerk deems appropriate, the second notice shall contain the following language:
“Failure to pay this bill within seven days from the ____ day of_____, 20___ will result in your water service being shut off, and in the event you desire a reconnection, reconnection fees of $25.00 will be charged before reconnection is made.”
      (2)   At the time of giving the water or sewer user his or her second notice, as aforesaid, notifying that the water will be shut off within seven days if the bill is not paid, the City Clerk shall also give notice to the Public Works Director who shall, upon the eighth day, make a final check with the City Clerk to determine whether, in fact, the water bill has been paid, and if it has not been paid, he or she shall then, upon the eighth day, as aforesaid, disconnect the water of the water user. Such water shall not be reconnected until the delinquent bill and the reconnection fee has been paid.
      (3)   The City Clerk is hereby empowered to file a notice of lien with the County Recorder of Deeds in the form of Exhibit “A” attached to the ordinance adopted herein, 30 days after any water or sewer bill becomes delinquent, and the recording fees for any such recording shall be added to the water and sewer bill of the user.
      (4)   Upon recording a notice of lien against any premises as a consequence of delinquent water or sewer bills, the City Clerk shall forward a copy of said notice of lien to the applicant shown in his or her records and files and the owner, if the applicant is not an owner, or, in the event the premises have no application file, to the person listed in the records of the City Clerk on the water and sewer bill for said premises.
      (5)   Upon payment of any delinquent charges for water and sewer service for which a statutory lien has been filed with the County Recorder, the City Clerk shall collect an additional fee in the amount of the recording charge for a release of lien and, thereupon, immediately forward to the County Recorder a release of lien for recording in the form attached as Exhibit “B”to the ordinance adopted herein.
      (6)   Upon connection or re-connection of any water service to the water system of the city, the applicant for said connection shall file with the City Clerk, on forms provided by the City Clerk, an application for connection or re-connection of water service.
      (7)   The aforesaid application for connection or re-connection of water service shall be in form promulgated by the City Clerk and shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant; the legal description of the premises to be connected; the name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the premises to be connected; the street address of the premises to be connected; and the acknowledgment by the applicant and owner of the premises that the applicant and owner understand that unpaid water bills and unpaid sewer bills become a lien on the premises in the application when delinquent and such other information as the City Clerk may deem appropriate to include in said application.
      (8)   When the applicant for connection or reconnection of water service, as aforesaid, is not the owner of said premises to be served, then, in such event, the application must be signed by both the applicant and the owner of the premises.
(Prior Code, Chapter 20, Article 1, § 20)
   (B)   Checks with insufficient funds. There will be a charge of $10 for any sufficient fund check presented to pay any water or sewer bill.
(Prior Code, Chapter 20, Article 1, § 21)
(Ord. 4 (Series 1978-1979), passed - -; Ord. 10 (Series 1986-1987), passed 2-2-1987)