(A)   All new water connections, whether for new housing or reconnection after shut off or otherwise, shall pay, together with all other fees provided herein, a $100 security deposit to secure payment of the monthly water and sewer charges. NEW WATER CONNECTIONS are defined to mean those for persons who have not been prior water and/or sewer customers for at least 18 months or who presently have less than 18 months on their existing security deposit. If a water and/or sewer bill is not timely paid, the bill shall be charged against the customer’s security deposit and standard shutoff procedures initiated. Any balance of the security deposit remaining after shutoff shall be refunded to the customer. After 18 months with prompt payment of bill, the entire security deposit shall be refunded.
   (B)   Whenever any water user has made a security deposit pursuant hereto and has paid water and sewer services in effect for 12 months and all bills for said bills have been timely paid, the $50 security deposit shall be refunded.
   (C)   Any user who meets the requirements of division (B) above shall not be required to make any security deposits for any new connection or other service, either business or residence, thereafter.
(Prior Code, Chapter 20, Article 1, § 17) (Ord. 17 (Series 1981-1982), passed - -; Ord. 14 (Series 1984-1985), passed - -; Ord. 4 (Series 1995-1996), passed 7-3-1995)