A.   Board of Assessment Appeals479.
      (1)   Establishment. There shall be a Board of Assessment Appeals which shall have such powers as set forth in the General Statutes.
      (2)   Appointment and Membership480. The Board shall consist of three (3) members and two (2) alternates, all Electors of the Town, appointed by the Legislative Council. The Commission shall choose a chair and such other officers as it may desire.
         (a)   Term. The Council shall appoint members for a term of three (3) years and alternates for a term of three (3) years, for a term commencing on the 1st Day of February of the year of appointment, which terms shall be staggered as established at the date of original appointments (Historical Note: See, § 11-16 of this Charter pertaining to the historical antecedents under the Charter adopted on November 8, 1983) 481, 482.
         (b)   Minority Party Representation. Said Commission members shall be subject to the requirements of § 7-1.F of this Charter.
         (c)   Miscellaneous. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Charter to the contrary, the Legislative Council shall set the compensation for members of the Board of Assessment Appeals and no person holding an elective, appointive or salaried office or position in the Town shall be eligible to serve 483. Said Board shall have all powers and duties conferred or imposed by the General Statutes on boards of tax review or assessment appeals484.
478   1983 Charter Chapter IV.
479   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 4-1 by repealing title: "Board of Tax Review".
480   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 4-1.
481   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 4-1 (first and third sentences) by repealing the following language: "...Council shall at a Meeting to be held not later than January 31,1966 appoint a board of assessment appeals consisting of three (3) members...".
482   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 14-1, by deleting the following: " more than two (2) of whom shall be from any one political party...".
483   1983 Charter § 4-1(fourth sentence).
484   2011 modification of 1983 Charter section 4-1(fifth sentence) by adding "assessment appeals".