§ 10.11 Ordinances repealed.
   This code, from and after its effective date, shall contain all of the provisions of a general nature pertaining to the subjects herein enumerated and embraced. All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects treated by this code shall be deemed repealed from and after the effective date of this code of ordinances,
§ 10.12 Ordinances unaffected.
   All ordinances of a temporary or special nature and all other ordinances pertaining to subjects not enumerated and embraced in this code of ordinances, shall remain in full force and effect unless herein repealed expressly or by necessary implication.
§ 10.13 Ordinances saved.
   Whenever an ordinance by its nature either authorizes or enables the legislative body, or a certain municipal officer or employee to make additional ordinances or regulations for the purpose of carrying out the intent of the ordinance, all ordinances and regulations of a similar nature serving the purpose effected prior to the codification and not inconsistent thereto, shall remain in effect and are saved.