A.   Public Notice of Final Action. Public Notice regarding Ordinances and Statutory Resolutions shall be provided within ten (10) Days after Final Action or as otherwise required by Law (See, § 1-4.R) 163. Public Notice of Resolutions, Orders and Motions shall be provided within twenty-four (24) hours of Final Action 164.
   B.   Public Notice of public emergency Ordinances or measures shall be addressed in § 5-5.E of this Charter165.
   C.   Every Ordinance and Statutory Resolution, after passage, shall be given a serial number and be officially recorded and preserved by the Town Clerk as a public record as may be set forth in the General Statutes166.
162   2011 modification of title ("Publication of Ordinances") of 1983 Charter § 3-9.
163   Consistent with 1983 Charter § 3-9 (first sentence); includes the definition of "Public Notice" in lieu of the "publication" requirement.
164   Charter Revision of 2011.
165   Derived from 1983 Charter § 3-9 (fourth sentence).
166   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 3-9 (fifth sentence) by adding "Statutory Resolution".