A.   Mayor 65. Whenever a Vacancy occurs in the office of the Mayor, the President of the Legislative Council shall serve the office on the date of Vacancy and shall serve as Mayor until a successor is elected and certified following the next biennial election, for the remainder of the term.
      (1)   Rights Power and Duties. Such successor shall have the rights, powers and duties of Mayor and shall receive the same compensation otherwise due the Mayor.
      (2)   Succession to the office of President 66. In the event the President shall succeed to the office of Mayor, the office of the President of the Legislative Council and a seat on the Legislative Council shall become Vacant. The President Pro Tempore shall succeed to the Office of President and shall preside and conduct the business of the Legislative Council.
      (3)   Election of President Pro Tempore 67. Upon succession to office of Council President, the position of President Pro tempore shall be deemed vacant and the Council shall elect a successor.
   B.   Legislative Council and Town Clerk. Any Vacancy in any elected Town office, except the Board of Education and the Office of the Mayor, from whatever cause arising, except as hereinafter provided, shall be filled by a Majority Vote of the Legislative Council for the unexpired portion of the term 68.
      (1)   All such Vacancies shall be filled by a person of the same political party or affiliation as that of the person who just vacated the office69. In the event there is no other member of the political party appertaining to the vacating member, the appointment shall not be made from the party containing the majority of members 70.
   C.   Board of Education. Until the next Town election, any Vacancy in the Board of Education shall be filled by election by the remaining members of the Board of Education 71.
      (1)   All such Vacancies filled by election of the Board of Education shall be filled by a person of the same political party or affiliation as that of the person who just vacated the office72. In the event there is no other member of the political party appertaining to the vacating member, the appointment shall not be made from the party containing the majority of members 73.
   D.   Registrars of Voters 74. Any Vacancy in the Office of the Registrars of Voters shall be filled as required by the General Statutes.
64   2022 modification of the 2011 revisions of the 1983 Charter (1) §§ 2-4 and 5-4. Add “office of the Mayor) which has its own line of succession; (2) § 5-4 (Second clause of first sentence). The President of the Council is designated to serve as the Acting Mayor, to be temporarily replaced by the President Pro tempore. The succession is broken into vacancies which occur in the final six months of office and those which occur prior thereto. See, also, C.G.S. § 9-164 entitled “Regular and special municipal elections;” and (3) § 5-4 (first sentence).
65   2011 modification of 1983 Charter.
66   NEW (2022).
67   NEW (2022).
68   Consistent with 1983 Charter § 2-4 (first sentence).
69   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-4 (second sentence).
70   Charter Revision of 2011.
71   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-4 (third sentence).
72   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-4 (fourth sentence).
73   Charter Revision of 2011.
74   See, C.G.S. § 9-192 entitled “Deputy registrar. Registrar vacancy. Assistant registrars. Special assistant registrars.”