A. In addition to all powers granted to municipalities under the State Constitution and the General Statutes, or which may hereinafter be conferred, the Town shall have all powers31:
(1) specifically granted by this Charter and all powers fairly implied in or incidental to the powers expressly granted by the State to the management of the property, government and affairs of the Town, including the power to enter into contracts with the United States Government or any agency thereof, the State or any agency or any political subdivision thereof for services and the use of facilities, the exercise of which is set forth by Law;
(2) conferred by the Special Acts, which the Town deems to be of continued applicability; and,
(3) now granted or that may hereafter be granted to municipalities under the State Constitution or the General Statutes.
B. The enumeration of particular powers in this and of any other chapter of this Charter shall not be construed as limiting this general grant of power but shall be considered as an addition thereto. Said Town shall exercise all the rights, powers, privileges, functions and jurisdiction essential to a proper exercise of its corporate functions, including all that may be necessarily incident to, or may be fairly implied from, the powers specifically conferred upon this corporation32.
31 2011 restructure of 1983 Charter § 1-3 (first sentence).
32 2011 restructure of 1983 Charter § 1-3 (second sentence).