It shall be a violation of this chapter for any individual or entity other than the town and its agents to perform work on a tree on town owned property or in a town right-of-way without meeting the following requirements:
   (a)   Permit. A permit is required for any entity except the town to do work on a tree on town property or in a town right-of-way. Tree work includes but is not limited to: removal, planting, pruning, bracing, cabling, spraying and other remedial treatments for disease or infestation. A detailed description of the work to be performed must be included in the permit application and approved by the Tree Warden prior to the issuance of a permit. A permit must be issued by the Tree Warden if all the requirements for the permit have been met. A copy of the permit must be present on the work site and available for public inspection. In addition, the Tree Commission shall receive a copy of all permits prior to the work defined in the permit being performed. Only the Tree Warden or their designee may issue permits. The entity obtaining the permit shall abide by the standards as set forth in this chapter and policies and specifications of the town. No individual or company will be issued a permit without proper electrical accreditation when working within 10 feet of electrical wires. Failure to follow the conditions of the permit and the requirements of this chapter shall be cause for the revocation of the permit and additional penalties as determined by the Tree Warden and defined by state and local statutes.
   (b)    Licensed arborist. Any work performed on a town tree including pesticide application under a permit issued by the Tree Warden must be performed by or under the direction of a licensed arborist. All work performed must meet current ANSI A300 standards as explained in ISA best management practices.
   (c)   Insurance. Before any permit shall be issued, each applicant shall first file evidence of possession of general liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 for bodily injury and $1,000,000/$3,000,000 property damage indemnifying the Town of Hamden and/or any person injured or whose property was damaged resulting from the pursuit of such endeavors as herein described. The town shall be added as an additional insured. Applicants shall maintain workers' compensation insurance in statutory amounts.
   (d)   Debris. All debris generated as a result of the permitted work on a public tree will be removed from the site by the contracted arborist or firm.
(Ord. 725, passed 3-7-22)