(A)   An Historic Properties Commission is hereby established to promote the purposes set forth in this subchapter and to perform all functions provided in this subchapter and as shall from time to time be prescribed under the Connecticut General Statutes relative to the property now or hereafter designated in § 154.66.
   (B)   The Commission shall consist of five regular and three alternate members who shall consist of electors of the town, holding no salaried municipal office in Hamden. The members of the Commission shall be appointed and may be removed by the Mayor. The regular members shall be appointed in such a manner that the term of at least one member shall expire each year, with their successors to be appointed in like manner for terms of five years. Alternate members shall be appointed for terms of three years. The Mayor is further empowered to make appointments to fill vacancies, which appointments shall be for the duration of the vacated unexpired term.
   (C)   Within a period of 30 days after the appointment of the original members of the Commission, the regular members shall meet and elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Alternate members shall not participate in the vote for election of officers of the Commission. In all other matters, in case of an inability to act because of absence, sickness or self-interest on the part of any member of the Commission, an alternate member shall take the Commissioner's place designated by the Chairperson.
   (D)   All members shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 472, passed 9-3-02)