§ 96.14 Resurfacing cement concrete sidewalks with bituminous concrete.
   (A)   Foundations
      (1)   Where old cement concrete sidewalks exist in acceptable condition as a base and where the present elevation is satisfactory grade so that a topping of at least one inch compacted thickness of bituminous concrete can be placed thereon, the old cement concrete sidewalk may be acceptable in place of the gravel base as previously described.
      (2)   Where old cement concrete sidewalks have heaved appreciably such slabs which have heaved must be thoroughly broken up with no pieces larger than 3 inches in any dimension. The material shall then be brought to proper grade with interstices filled with gravel and used in place of the 4 inch gravel base as previously described. In such cases a bituminous concrete top of 2 inches shall be required.
   (B)   Bituminous concrete. The same specifications shall apply as noted under "bituminous concrete sidewalks" with the following exceptions:
      (1)   Foundation as noted above under resurfacing.
      (2)   Thickness of bituminous concrete to be not less than one inch compacted thickness.
      (3)   Bituminous concrete to be compacted by a roller weighing not less than 500 pounds nor more than 1,000 pounds.
('66 Code, § 59-13)