(A)   No person shall deposit or otherwise dump any garbage at the municipal landfill or other town-operated disposal site unless such garbage is waste material generated within the town and unless such person is licensed to do so by the Director of Public Works or his designated agent.
   (B)   The Director of Public Works or his agents or employees may require any person, including but not limited to a licensed commercial collector, seeking to dump waste material at the municipal landfill, to certify in writing, under penalty of false statement as provided for in the state statutes, that the waste material to be dumped was not generated or collected outside the town. Any licensed commercial collector refusing to provide such certification shall not be permitted to dispose of such material in the landfill and shall remove his vehicle from the landfill site immediately.
   (C)   No garbage may be deposited or dumped at any site that is not designated for that purpose by the Director of Public Works, or licensed for that purpose by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (D)   Dumping shall be permitted only at times and on days designated by the town in accordance with this subchapter.
   (E)   The Director or Public Works or his agents or employees may refuse to accept at the landfill any highly dangerous materials such as, but not limited to, materials exposed to highly infectious or contagious disease or toxic, inflammable, explosive, or radioactive refuse or hazardous waste, or any materials that do not conform with the requirements set forth in regulations promulgated pursuant to division (F) below.
   (F)   The Director of Public Works or his agents or employees shall issue annual landfill licenses and shall promulgate licensing and other regulations, which may require bonding contracts for each licensed vehicle and fines up to $100 per incident or such higher amount as may be permitted by law that is deemed necessary to enforce this section and insure sanitary landfill and garbage disposal practices.
(Ord. 260, passed 2-3-87)