For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT.” A complaint filed, as of right, by tenants of two or more different rental units in the same building, complex or mobile home park units with the same landlord that (1) relate to the same action, occurrence or event; (2) involve the same parties; and (3) raise a common question of law or fact.
   “COMMISSION.” The Fair Rent Commission of the town established in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. §§ 7-148b through 7-148f, § 47a-20 and § 47a-23c.
   “DAYS.” Shall have the meaning set forth in the Charter of the Town of Hamden.
   "HOUSING ACCOMMODATION." Any building or structure containing living quarters occupied, or intended for occupancy as a place of residence, including any land or building appurtenant thereto, and mobile homes and mobile home park lots, except the following.
      (1)   A hospital, convent, monastery, asylum, public institution, college or school dormitory, or any institution operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes.
      (2)   Any housing accommodations owned and operated by the United States, the State of Connecticut, the Town of Hamden, the Housing Authority of the Town of Hamden, or by any agency or political subdivision of the above.
      (3)   Accommodations rented on a seasonal basis.
   "LANDLORD." The owner, lessor, or sub-lessor of any housing accommodation, including a person who manages a housing accommodation owned by someone else and including any person leasing or subleasing any housing accommodation under any order of a state or federal court.
   “PARTY.” Any landlord or tenant engaged in the complaint process as a respondent or complainant.
   “PERSON.” Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other business entity, or other association or group.
   “RENTAL AGREEMENT.” All agreements, whether written or oral or both, embodying the terms and conditions concerning the use and occupancy of a housing accommodation.
   “RENTAL CHARGES.” Any consideration, monetary or otherwise, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received, for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodation, including any fee or charge in addition to rent that is imposed or sought to be imposed upon a tenant by a landlord, including but not limited to late fees, pet fees, parking fees, and utilities.
   "SEASONAL BASIS." Housing accommoda-tions rented for a period or periods aggregating not more than 120 days in any one calendar year.
   “TENANT.” An individual who leases or rents or in any other legal way occupies any housing accommodation as a residence for himself or herself or his or her immediate family.
   “TENANTS UNION.” For purposes of this subchapter, a “Tenants Union” shall be defined as two or more tenants of rental properties located in the Town of Hamden, engaged in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection regarding the terms and conditions of their rental housing.
   “TENANTS’ UNION REPRESENTATIVE.” The person designated by the members of a tenants’ union to represent it in connection with any studies, investigations, and hearings involving that union or its members. Such person is not required to be a tenant or resident of the housing accommodation.
(Ord. 187, passed 11-5-79; Am. Ord. 734, passed 1-17-23)