A.   Public Hearings by Legislative Council.
      (1)   Initial Public Hearing712. The Legislative Council, or a designated committee of jurisdiction, shall conduct an initial public hearing on the Proposed Town Budget (as formulated by the Mayor and the Board of Education) pertaining to the public service components and work programs of the Proposed Town Budget. Said hearing shall be held on or before the eighth (8th) day of April after three (3) Days Public Notice. At that time any Elector or taxpayer may have an opportunity to be heard regarding the Proposed Town Budget 713. At that time any Elector or taxpayer may have an opportunity to be heard regarding the Proposed Town Budget 714.
      Following said hearing the Legislative Council, or a designated committee of jurisdiction is required to commence review of the public service components and work programs set forth in the Proposed Town Budget.
      (2)   Final Public Hearing715. The Legislative Council, or a designated committee of jurisdiction shall conduct a final public hearing following the filing of recommendations by the Finance Commission and prior to final deliberations on the Proposed Town Budget. The Council or said committee thereof may conduct public hearings throughout the budget process on its own motion.
      (3)   Additional Public Hearings716. The Council, or a designated committee of jurisdiction, shall hold such additional public hearings as it deems necessary.
      (4)   Meeting Notice717. The Council shall cause to be issued a Meeting Notice (including a general summary of the Proposed Town Budget) for one or more Public Hearings on the Proposed Town Budget as required by Law.
      (5)   Public Inspection718. In accordance with the Public Notice provisions of this Charter and as otherwise may be required by Law (See, 1-4.R), the Council shall make available for general distribution to the public of the Town of Hamden, copies of the Proposed Town Budget including the Board of Education budget in detail, containing the Mayor's proposals regarding revenues and expenditures, the comparative figures for the current fiscal year, and the amount to be raised by taxation.
      (6)   Modification of the Proposed Town Budget719. After the Public Hearing(s) on the Proposed Town Budget, the Council may add or increase programs or amounts and may delete or decrease programs or amounts, except that no items of expenditure required by Law or for debt service may be deleted or decreased. The Proposed Town Budget, as modified by the Legislative Council, shall include a narrative of the assumptions and estimates relied upon by the Legislative Council.
   B.   Deliberations by the Finance Commission720. The Finance Commission is required to review the Proposed Town Budget in accordance with the responsibilities under § 7-2A.(1)(a) of this Charter. Members of the Legislative Council committee of jurisdiction shall be assigned by the President to participate in the proceedings of the Finance Commission.
   C.   Transmittal of recommendations from the Finance Commission to Legislative Council721. With respect to the Proposed Town Budget, the Finance Commission shall, on or before the twenty-seventh (27th) day of April, transmit its recommendations thereon to the Clerk of the Legislative Council in accordance with its responsibilities under § 7-2A.(1)(a) of this Charter. The transmittal shall delineate its recommendations referencing each of the applicable provisions of the Proposed Town Budget.
      (1)   Finance Commission Statement on Estimates and Assumptions722. The transmittal shall include the Finance Commission's analysis of the estimates and assumptions contained in the expenditure and revenue lines of the budget in accordance with and citing the best practices for municipal budget practices.
      (2)   Finance Commission Meeting with Legislative Council. At a date set by the President of the Legislative Council, as soon as possible following submission of the Mayor's Budget Message, the Finance Commission shall meet with the Legislative Council or the committee of jurisdiction as set forth in the call of the Meeting, to discuss their recommendations.
711   2022 amendment of 2011 § 10-2 derived from 1983 Charter § 18-2.
712   2022 modification of 1983 Charter § 18-3 (first paragraph, first sentence). The inserted date replaces the following: "...sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year". The 2022 change requires a hearing in early April as opposed to not later than the 1st day of May.
713   Recodification of 2011 § 10-3.A (last clause).
714   Recodification of 2011 § 10-3.A (last clause).
715   NEW (2022).
716   NEW (2022).
717   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-3.A (1) which modified 1983 Charter § 18-3 (first paragraph, second sentence). The inserted date replaces the following: "...At least five (5) days prior to said public hearing(s)". Moreover, the term "Meeting Notice" is defined in the Charter thereby replacing the specific delineation of notice requirements.
718   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-3.A (2). Consistent with 1983 Charter § 18-3 (first paragraph, third sentence).
719   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-3.A (3). Consistent with 1983 Charter § 18-3 (first paragraph, fourth sentence).
720   NEW (2022).
721   NEW (2022).
722   NEW (2022).