(A)   Established.
      (1)   There is hereby established a special fund to be entitled Park Special Donation Fund. The Clerk-Treasurer of the town is hereby empowered to receive and deposit monetary donations which are donated for use by the Hagerstown Department of Parks and Recreation in said Park Special Donation Fund, said deposits to be placed with a financial institution named by the town as a depository.
      (2)   The donations made to the Park Special Donation Fund are to be used by the Hagerstown Department of Parks and Recreation for furtherance of the purposes of said Department, including but not necessarily limited to the purchase of equipment, repair and maintenance of current or future equipment, improvement of buildings or grounds of the Department, and the costs and expenses associated with activities of said Department.
      (3)   That although the purposes that donations deposited in the Park Special Donation Fund are to be used are provided in division (A)(2) above, the Hagerstown Department of Parks and Recreation and the Clerk-Treasurer of the town shall work together to internally account for said fund in such a way as to give due regard to the intention of any donor in making any donation to said fund in the event that a donor has a specific intent for such a donation. The town and the Department shall be guided by the donor's more specific intent provided said intent is within the purposes set forth above in division (A)(2).
      (4)   The Clerk-Treasurer is also hereby empowered to disburse amounts from the Park Special Donation Fund to persons or agencies from whom services, equipment, or products are purchased, upon proper presentation of a claim before the Town Council and acceptance thereof, and within the rules of the Indiana State Board of Accounts.
   (B)   Transfer of funds. The balance of funds currently in the Special Donation fund as referenced above in this section shall be transferred to the Park Special Donation Fund by the Clerk-Treasurer upon the adoption of this Ordinance, and the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to make said transfer.
(Ord. 2-2007, passed 5-7-2007)