(A)   For all town departments, except the Police Department, the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare and make available for inspection and/or copying public records during normal business hours. The Town Marshal or his or her designee shall be responsible for the release of public records from the Police Department.
   (B)   Any person wishing to inspect or obtain copies of public records shall submit a written request to the Clerk-Treasurer. Such written request shall include:
      (1)   The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the person making the request; and
      (2)   A list of records the person requests to inspect and/or have copied.
   (C)   If the record requested concerns an employee, the Clerk-Treasurer shall notify the employee of the request.
   (D)   The town may waive any or all provisions under this policy when a request to inspect or obtain copies of records is made:
      (1)   By another governmental agency or an authorized representative of another governmental agency;
      (2)   By an agent of the town;
      (3)   By industrial or commercial prospects; or
      (4)   Pursuant to court order.
   (E)   The town shall make reasonable efforts to provide to a person making a request a copy of all disclosable data contained in the record.
   (F)   Any person who receives information in response to a public records request may not use the information for commercial purposes, including selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, or services, or selling, loaning, giving away, or otherwise delivering the information obtained by the request to any other person for these purposes. However, use of the information received in connection with the preparation or publication of news, for nonprofit activities, or for academic research is not prohibited.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed 9-20-2010)