The purpose of this chapter is to establish an official thoroughfare plan to promote the orderly development of the town and its environs; to improve the health, safety, convenience, and welfare of its residents to the end that the highway system be carefully planned; that new community centers grow only with adequate highway facilities; that the needs of industry, business, and agriculture be recognized in future growth; that residential areas provide safe and healthy surroundings for family life; that the development of the town be commensurate with the promotion of the efficient and economical use of public funds for the purpose of formulating definite policies for the laying out, development, and improvement of public streets and highways; to provide services to platted and unplatted land; and to provide for the establishment of a thoroughfare fund.
(Ord. 3-1958, passed 4-21-1958; Am. Ord. 6-1975, passed 4-21-1975)