(A)   Vehicular traffic.
      (1)   The cemetery shall be closed to all vehicular traffic from sunset to sunrise unless written permission is granted by the Cemetery Clerk.
      (2)   Vehicles shall remain upon the paved roadways at all times, with the exception of construction and/or other vehicles and equipment relative to the interment.
      (3)   Vehicles shall not travel at a greater speed than is reasonable and prudent and shall be kept under complete control at all times. In any event, vehicles shall not exceed ten mph.
      (4)   Funeral processions shall have the right-of-way over individual vehicular traffic and individual traffic shall yield to the funeral processions.
      (5)   Vehicle horns shall not be sounded in the cemetery nor shall other excessive vehicle noise be permitted.
      (6)   Parked motor vehicles shall not be left unattended with their engines running.
   (B)   Pedestrian traffic.
      (1)   The cemetery shall be closed to all pedestrian traffic from sunset to sunrise unless written permission is granted by the Cemetery Clerk.
      (2)   Animals, unless a part of an organized funeral ceremony, utilized as a primary means of personal transportation, or assisting a person due to a disability, are prohibited from being brought upon the cemetery grounds.
      (3)   Persons entering the cemetery shall remain upon its paved roadways and shall be permitted to walk upon or across lots only to access a specific grave site.
      (4)   Persons within the cemetery grounds shall adhere to and reflect reasonable proprieties expected in a cemetery environment as follows:
         (a)   No loud or boisterous talking or behavior;
         (b)   No consuming of food or other refreshments;
         (c)   No solicitation for sales of any commodity;
         (d)   No placing of notices or advertisements; and
         (e)   No littering.
(Ord. 2-2019, passed 2-4-2019)