(A)   The municipal street lighting rate shall apply to all street lighting service furnished to the town by the Electric Utility.
   (B)   The type of fixture to be installed shall conform to the standards established by the Electric Utility, and as determined by the Electric Utility consist of either mercury vapor or sodium vapor fixtures.
      (1)   The rated size in lumens of the fixtures shall be determined by the Electric Utility and shall be adequate to provide an intensity of illumination in accordance with generally accepted standards for the location and use involved, taking into consideration factors such as width of streets, traffic conditions, and spacing of adjacent lamps.
      (2)   The Electric Utility shall install, operate, and maintain all street lighting equipment and appurtenances to include lamp replacements.
   (C)   Additional lamps may be installed or reduced only upon authorization of Council to expand the municipal lighting system.
   (D)   All street lighting service meters shall be read monthly and the total KWH furnished shall be billed to the town in accordance with the rates established in the most recent edition of the town Electric Rate Code. The town shall pay the Electric Utility for the service in the manner specified by state law.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992)