(A)   No vehicle of any type, regardless of whether the same is defined specifically herein, shall be stopped or parked on any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 15 feet of width of the street for free movement of vehicular traffic. No such vehicle shall be stopped or parked within the traveled portion of any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town. Any such vehicle so stopped or parked may be removed by the proper authority, including the Police Department or the Fire Department, in the discretion and judgment of a properly authorized officer of any such authority if that stopped or parked vehicle constitutes an immediate hazard by way of its placement. The owner of any such vehicle shall be promptly notified of its removal, the method of removal, and the location thereof. The owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for any towing, removal, storage, or other charges and fees associated with the removal unless such removal is required by an emergency of which the owner had no knowledge in which case the town shall be responsible for any such fees or charges. The town, its officers, agents, departments, and employees shall not incur any civil liability for damages incurred as a result of any such removal. Any such removal shall not relieve the owner from liability for any fine due to the placement of said vehicle prior to its removal.
   (B)   For the purposes of this Schedule the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      DETACHED TRAILER. Any vehicle designed for transportation by being pulled or towed by a wide vehicle, as defined herein, being more than eight feet wide and more than 35 feet in length, designed to move on the highway.
      RECREATION VEHICLE. As defined in § 151.100 of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Code, including pickup coach, fifth-wheel coach, motor home, and camping trailer, excepting therefrom a travel trailer.
      TRAVEL TRAILER. As defined in § 151.100 of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Code.
      WIDE VEHICLE. Any vehicle with an overall width in excess of 88 inches, including semi-trucks and/or semitractors.
   (C)   Detached trailers. No such defined vehicle shall be parked at any time on any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town, except for the immediate loading or unloading of the vehicle. All such vehicles shall not be left unattended. Any such vehicle that is parked on private property shall be parked on a hard concrete or asphalt surface of uniform nature that has a depth of eight inches or more and that encompasses the entire length and width of the vehicle. Parking of any such vehicle on any grass or surface composed of any other plant material is prohibited.
   (D)   Recreation vehicles. No such defined vehicle shall be parked at any time on any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town, for more than 72 continuous hours. All such vehicles shall not be left unattended. Any such vehicle that is parked on private property shall be parked on a hard concrete or asphalt surface of uniform nature that has a depth of eight inches or more and that encompasses the entire length and width of the vehicle. Parking of any such vehicle on any grass or surface composed of any other plant material is prohibited.
   (E)   Travel trailers. No such defined vehicle shall be parked at any time on any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town, for more than 72 continuous hours. All such vehicles shall not be left unattended. Any such vehicle that is parked on private property shall be parked on a hard concrete or asphalt surface of uniform nature that has a depth of eight inches or more and that encompasses the entire length and width of the vehicle. Parking of any such vehicle on any grass or surface composed of any other plant material is prohibited.
   (F)   Wide vehicles. No vehicle with an overall width in excess of 88 inches shall be parked at any time on any street, alley, roadway, or highway in the town, except for the immediate loading or unloading of the vehicle or when disabled such that it requires some vehicle or facility other than its own means of motivation to move the same. All such vehicles shall not be left unattended. Any such vehicle that is parked on private property shall be parked on a hard concrete or asphalt surface of uniform nature that has a depth of eight inches or more and that encompasses the entire length and width of the vehicle. Parking of any such vehicle on any grass or surface composed of any other plant material is prohibited.
   (G)   The owner, operator, lessor, or possessor of the trailer or wide vehicle shall be liable for violation of this section and subject to the penalties set forth in Schedule V below.
(Ord. 7-2019, passed 11-4-2019)