(A)   The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby empowered to receive and deposit and disburse co-payment funds from persons participating in the cost sharing program.
   (B)   When the Town Council wishes to provide for tree removal in accordance with the Tree Removal Grant, a participating person and the town shall share in the cost of tree removal. A participating person's co-payment shall consist of 50% of the cost of the tree removal and the town shall contribute the remaining 50% of the cost of the tree removal. A participating person's co-payment percentage shall be due and payable prior to the town authorizing the tree removal.
   (C)   Such deposits of co-payments shall be placed in a separate fund with a financial institution named by the town as a depository.
   (D)   The Clerk-Treasurer is also hereby empowered to disburse such funds to persons doing such tree removal, upon proper presentation of a claim and acceptance of the work.
(Ord. 6-2018, passed 7-2-2018)