For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply. Any term in this chapter not defined below shall take on its common or dictionary meaning.
   EXPENDABLE MATERIAL. An item that is regularly used during the course of a motor-vehicle accident or collision response, including, but not limited to, hazardous spill absorption materials, agents including but not limited to foam, absorbing agents, or emulsifiers used in cleanup operations, or any other item that must be replaced due to the rendering of services and/or responses to a motor-vehicle accident or collision by the Volunteer Fire Department.
   HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL. Unexpected, unintentional, or unapproved discharge or other loss of oil or other substances that contain hazardous or otherwise objectionable substances that damage or threaten to damage the public health, safety, and welfare, which, for the purposes of this chapter only, are the result of a motor-vehicle accident or collision to which the Volunteer Fire Department is a responder.
   NON-RESIDENT. A person whose primary residence at the time of the service or response is outside the jurisdictional boundaries of Jefferson Township, Wayne County, Indiana.
   RESIDENT. A person whose primary residence at the time of the service or response is within the jurisdictional boundaries of Jefferson Township, Wayne County, Indiana.
   RESPONSE or RESPOND. The deployment or mobilization of the Volunteer Fire Department to incidents, including but not limited to fires, motor-vehicle accident or collision calls or calls for hazardous material spills.
      (1)   The individual who caused the incident, including the real property owner, or owner or responsible party of the motor-vehicle that caused the accident or collision (as determined by the motor vehicle accident police report) or that necessitated the motor vehicle accident response by the Volunteer Fire Department and personnel;
      (2)   The liable insurance company or insurance provider of the real estate or vehicle driven or operated by the individual who caused the motor vehicle accident or collision (as determined by the motor vehicle accident police report) that necessitated the response by the Volunteer Fire Department and personnel;
      (3)   The owner and/or the liable insurance company or insurance provider of the owner of real estate or of the motor vehicle operated by the individual who caused the motor-vehicle accident or collision (as determined by the motor-vehicle accident police report) for which hazardous material spills or debris around the vehicle are cleaned up, fires are extinguished, or the site of the accident or collision is secured during a response by the Volunteer Fire Department and personnel; or
      (4)   The legal representative of a deceased party or the legal guardian of an incapacitated or minor party, which deceased party, incapacitated party, or minor party caused the motor-vehicle accident or collision (as determined by the motor-vehicle accident police report) that necessitated the response by the Volunteer Fire Department and personnel.
   SERVICE. Any necessary action conducted by the Volunteer Fire Department during an incident or motor vehicle accident or collision response including, but not limited to, cleanup of hazardous substances, evacuation, securing premises, extrication, extinguishment, transportation, equipment operation and utilization, and any and all other services required to assure public health and safety from known hazards which resulted from the incident or motor vehicle accident or collision which the Volunteer Fire Department was called to respond to.
(Ord. 8-2013, passed 11-4-2013)