A. Officers Of Commission:
1. The commission shall choose its chairperson and vice chairperson on an annual basis by majority vote. This shall be done during the regular meeting in October, the beginning of the fiscal year.
2. The chairperson shall preside at all commission meetings and have the powers generally assigned such office in conducting the meetings. It shall be the chairperson's responsibility to see that the transaction of commission business is in accord with the law and with this chapter.
3. The chairperson shall liaison with the city clerk- treasurer on all land use planning issues and/or business while implementing the procedure for processing zoning permits.
4. The chairperson may vote on any question but shall cast his or her vote in the event of a tie vote, provided no one has a conflict of interest. The chairperson may propose actions to the commission in motion or resolution form.
5. The chairperson shall submit notice and agenda for all meetings to the city clerk-treasurer for posting at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the planning and zoning commission meeting, weekends not included.
6. The vice chairperson shall assume the duties and the powers of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.
7. The commission may establish any additional officers it may deem necessary.
8. The commission may establish subcommittees, advisory committees or neighborhood groups to advise and assist in carrying out the responsibilities of the commission.
9. The commission may appoint nonvoting ex officio advisors as may be deemed necessary.
B. Meetings; Quorum:
1. A record of meetings, hearings, resolutions, studies, findings, permits and action taken shall be maintained. All meetings and records shall be open to the public and meet the requirements of the Idaho open meeting laws 1 .
2. At least one regular meeting shall be held each month for not less than nine (9) months of the year.
3. A member of the commission shall be required to attend two-thirds (2/3) of regularly scheduled meetings, or have excused absences from the chairperson of the commission.
4. A majority of commission members shall constitute a quorum.
C. Expenditures:
1. With the approval of the city council, the commission may receive and expend funds, goods, information and services from the federal government, agencies and instrumentalities of the state and local governments, or civic or private sources.
2. Any expenditures of the commission (exclusive of gifts) shall be within the amounts appropriated and set aside by the governing board for the purpose of the commission as set forth in the city planning and zoning ordinances. Within such limits, the commission is authorized to hire such employees and technical advisors as it deems necessary for the accomplishment of its authorized purposes and work. (Per bylaws dated 8-8-2009)
1 | 1. IC § 67-2341 et seq. |