A.   Connection Required:
      1.   All owners of property within the city limits and within three hundred feet (300') of the general sewer system of the city, and physically in the areas capable of receiving the service of the system of sewerage, shall, within sixty (60) days after the publication in the official newspaper of the city of a notice signed by the city clerk-treasurer for connections to be made therewith, cause a connection to be made between said sewer and each such premises.
      2.   All connections of said sewer system heretofore constructed and made shall be maintained in a sanitary, permanent and watertight condition.
      3.   All connections made hereafter shall be made in a permanent and sanitary manner and shall be sufficient to carry all the sewage and waste fluids of every kind from the building into said system of sewerage, and each toilet, sink, stationary washstand and other piece or type of equipment having waste fluids, shall be connected with said system; provided, that where the building or structure has not been completed before publication of such notice, connection shall be made on or before the completion of such building or structure and before any occupancy or use thereof. (1996 Code § 6-4-1)
   B.   Connection By City; Assessment Of Costs; Lien: If any connection or any needed repair to an existing condition shall not be made within the time herein provided, the city council is hereby authorized and directed to cause the same to be made and to file a statement of the cost thereof with the city clerk-treasurer, and thereupon a warrant shall be issued under direction of the council by the clerk-treasurer and against the sewer system revenue special fund for the payment of such costs. The amount of such costs shall be assessed against the property upon which the said building or structure is situated and shall become a lien thereupon as hereafter provided. (1996 Code § 6-4-1; amd. 2010 Code)