A.   Generally:
      1.   Each water user shall be levied a monthly water user fee for the privilege of utilizing water from the city water system. This water user fee shall be levied on all users of the water to cover the actual or estimated cost of operation, maintenance, replacement, and financing of the city's water system facilities. All water users and property owners shall be levied a water user fee. Billings will be levied regularly at intervals set by the city council, but no more often than monthly. (Ord. 984, 7-5-1995; amd. 2010 Code)
      2.   The actual monthly water user fee to be billed to each property owner or customer shall be determined by the addition of the calculated monthly base rate fee and the calculated monthly water usage fee. A description of the base rate fee and water usage fees to be assessed by this chapter shall be described in subsections B and C of this section. (Ord. 984, 7-5-1995)
   B.   Base Rate And Water Usage Fees: Base rate fees and water usage fees shall be as set from time to time by resolution of the city council. (2010 Code)
   C.   Review And Revision Of Rates:
      1.   The water user base rate and usage fees shall, as a minimum, be reviewed annually and, when required, updated by resolution of the city council to reflect actual costs of operation, maintenance, replacement, and financing of the water system.
      2.   Any revisions of the user connection and usage fees shall be based on actual operation, maintenance, replacement, and financing expenses, and/or on significant changes in the total number of equivalent users and/or the total daily flow. All changes in user charges applicable to this chapter shall be computed by the methods outlined herein.
   D.   User Request For Rate Change: Any water user, who feels his user charge is unjust and inequitable as applied to his premises within the spirit and intent of the foregoing provisions, may make written application to the city requesting a review of his user charge. Said written request shall, where necessary, show the actual or estimated average flow of water in comparison with the values upon which the charge is based, including how the measurements or estimates were made. Any flow measurements shall be approved in detail by the city and/or its engineer. Review of the request by the city shall determine if it is substantiated or not, including recommended further study of the matter for the city and/or user by a registered professional engineer. (Ord. 984, 7-5-1995)