(A)   The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council. The City Council has the authority to establish, by ordinance, the manner in which one of its number may be selected to preside at meetings of the City Council in the absence of the Mayor.
   (B)   The Mayor may participate in City Council proceedings but shall not have a vote, except that he or she may cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
   (C)   The unexcused absence from three consecutive regular Council meetings by any member of the legislative body of the city shall be deemed prima facie evidence of misconduct, incapacity or willful neglect in the performance of the duties of his or her office as a member of the City Council, as set out in KRS 83A.040(9), and said member may be removed from office by unanimous vote of the remaining members of the legislative body, exclusive of the member to be removed, as prescribed by KRS 83A.040.
      (1)   The member of the legislative body sought to be removed shall be given the right to a full public hearing, prior to deliberation and vote to remove by the remaining members of the City Council.
      (2)   If removed, he or she shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court of the county, and appeal shall be on the record.
(KRS 83A.130(5)) (Ord. 2000-C-2, passed 9-12-2000)
   Council’s responsibility to select one of its own members to preside when there is vacancy in the office of Mayor, see § 31.21