§ 153.265 APPEALS.
   Appeals to the Board of Zoning Adjustment concerning interpretation or administration of this chapter may be taken by any persons or entity claiming to be injuriously affected or aggrieved or by any officer or bureau of the legislative authority of the city affected by any decision of the Zoning Inspector. The appeal shall be taken within 30 days after the decision by filing, with the Zoning Inspector and with the Board of Zoning Adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds upon which the appeal is being taken. The Zoning Inspector shall transmit to the Board of Zoning Adjustment all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. At the public hearing on the appeal held by the Board, any interested person may appear and enter his or her appearance, and all shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-7-2013)