(A)   Under authority of KRS 241.160, there is hereby created the office of City Alcoholic Beverage Administrator for the city (herein after in this chapter referred to as the Administrator), who shall have the duties and functions prescribed by KRS Chapter 241. The Administrator may or may not be an officer or employee of the city, and shall be appointed by the City Mayor. He or she shall also have such further duties and functions as are prescribed in this chapter.
   (B)   The Administrator, before entering upon his or her duties as such, shall take the oath as prescribed by § 228 of the Constitution and shall execute a bond with a good and solvent, corporate surety in the sum of not less than be $1,000, faithfully to perform the duties of his or her office pursuant to the provisions of KRS 62.060 et seq.
(Ord. 2017-5, passed 6-13-2017)