(A)   The City Council does hereby fix and establish the following rates to be charged for natural gas supplied by the city’s municipal gas system to customers, such rates to become effective and be charged on all bills after the passage of this chapter as follows:
Residential Natural Gas Rates
Base monthly fee
$15.35 minimum bill
*Rate shall apply so long as cost of gas to city/supplier is $5 MCF or less. If cost of gas exceeds $5, then rate shall be adjusted by the amount over $5.
Commercial Natural Gas Rates
Base monthly fee
$50 minimum bill
*Rate shall apply so long as cost of gas to city/supplier is $5 MCF or less. If cost of gas exceeds $5, then rate shall be adjusted by the amount over $5.
Industrial Natural Gas Rates*
Base monthly fee
$475 minimum bill
First 50,000 CCF volume
Next 10,000 CCF volume
Next 15,000 CCF volume
Over 100,000 CCF volume
*Minimum of 30,000 per month required for WACOG rate
   (B)   Nothing contained in this section shall limit or prohibit the city, by and through its mayor or authorized agent, from entering into a service agreement with industrial customers containing rates structured to meet the needs of the industrial customer in an amount different from the rates set forth above. Absent an agreement otherwise, the rate structure above shall be adhered to.
   (C)   New gas customers shall pay a customer deposit in the amount of $250, or two times the highest monthly bill at the customer location based upon historical data, whichever is greater in amount.
(2002 Code, § 53.15) (Ord. 1999 NG-1, passed 5-20-1999; Ord. 2001 NG-1, passed 10-18-2001; Ord. 2023-6, passed 10-10-2023)