(A)   The City Municipal Gas Company shall furnish and maintain all necessary fittings, pipes, appliances, including all meter and related appurtenances, to deliver natural gas to the customer. The customer shall reimburse or be responsible for the cost of the materials and installation of infrastructure from the nearest pipeline access point to the customer that is necessary to deliver gas to the customer.
   (B)   All fittings, pipes, appliances, meters and appurtenances shall remain the property of the gas company and shall at all times be accessible to it and under its control.
   (C)   The City Municipal Gas Company shall not be liable for any damages, be it personal injury or property damage, caused by any defect in, or failure to properly maintain any cut off, valve, fixture or appliance furnished by the customer.
(2002 Code, § 53.06) (Ord. 1999 NG-1, passed 5-20-1999; Ord. 2023-6, passed 10-10-2023)