The removal, addition or relocation, in any 12-month period, of soil or other fill materials from any single parcel owned or controlled by any single entity, including joint tenants or co-tenants, is subject to the following submittals, when the following thresholds of area disturbed are exceeded: up to 14% slope, one or more acres; 14 to 30% slopes, 5,000 or more square foot; and 30 to 50%, 1,000 or more square feet.
   (A)   An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which demonstrates how the development of the site will:
      (1)   Keep erosion on site to allowable soil loss limits as per NRCS Soil Survey;
      (2)   Prevent siltation of waterways and loss of sensitive soils;
      (3)   Prevent deterioration/damage to man made structures;
      (4)   Protect wildlife habitat and protective vegetation;
      (5)   Erosion and Sedimentation Plan must meet NPDES requirements; and
      (6)   The plan must minimize excessive cut and fill. Use phased grading techniques where applicable.
   (B)   A Storm Water Control Plan that demonstrates how the development of the site will:
      (1)   Avoid alteration of existing drainage patterns. See Iowa Drainage Rules; and
      (2)   Prevent increase in storm runoff or velocity from site that would exceed waterway capacity or damage to natural/human-made environment.
   (C)   Existing sites shall not be expanded without first obtaining the required approvals denoted above.
(Ord. passed - -2010)