A.   Committee meetings and meeting date/time changes shall be by the order of the Board, the Board Chairperson, or at the call of the Committee Chairperson.
   B.   The second person appointed to each committee shall serve as Vice- Chairperson of such committee.
   C.   The County Board Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson may appoint a substitute for a member of a committee to use as an alternate to fill in when there is a lack of a quorum in said committee.
   D.   The Chairperson of the committee shall certify that the members attending the meeting signed the attendance sheet in his/her presence.
   E.   The Chairperson of a committee is responsible to ensure that the meeting is conducted in accordance with the open meetings act and each member/guest prior to speaking shall address the Chairperson and then confine comments to the question under consideration.
   F.   Each committee whose committee has the responsibility for approving claims shall review and compare the monthly department expense recap to the Treasurer's report on a quarterly basis. Substantive variations from budgeted amounts either income or expenses, and the reason for the variation shall be reported to the Finance Committee by the Committee Chairperson.
   G.   The Chairperson of a committee or designee shall prepare and post an agenda in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
   H.   The Chairperson of a committee shall be responsible to ensure that notes are taken and minutes prepared of each meeting. The administrative assistant or designee available for this duty, when meetings are held during normal office hours and is available for meetings held at other hours when arrangements are made for his/her presence at least two (2) days in advance.
   I.   The Chairperson of a committee shall verify the attendance slip and minutes are forwarded promptly to the administrative assistant and to be placed on file. Transcribed minutes shall be sent to the County Clerk and provided to each Board member.
   J.   The Chairperson of a committee shall hold meetings in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
   K.   The Chairperson of a committee can make or second motions during the meeting, and shall also be a voting member of the committee on all items under consideration.
   L.   The Chairperson of a committee shall verify the minutes of any closed sessions are written and recorded. Minutes of any closed sessions shall be reviewed every six (6) months and the determination shall be made whether to continue them closed or to open them to public view.
   M.   Committees shall promote communications, coordination and cooperation among each of the departments for which it has oversight authority and the County Board.
   N.   Committees shall assist in determining the recommended budget to the Finance Committee, for the following year, for each of the departments of which it has oversight authority.
   O.   Committees shall partner with the County Administrator to provide an annual performance evaluation for the department heads of the departments for which it has oversight authority.
   P.   A County Board committee member must be present at two thirds (2/3) or more of the duration of a committee meeting to be considered present for the purposes of collecting per diem.