A.   Submission: Any applicant requesting approval of a proposed minor subdivision shall submit fifteen (15) copies of the items specified in section 8-6-2-1, "General Requirements", of this title, to the department. Applications for minor subdivisions shall include a combined preliminary and final plat submittal.
   B.   Determination Of Completeness: The land use department shall declare the application complete or incomplete within seven (7) days of its receipt. An incomplete submission shall be immediately returned to the applicant with a list of missing items requiring completion before a submittal can be determined to be complete.
   C.   Review And Approval Of Preliminary And Final Plat:
      1.   Development Review Committee: The development review committee shall review the combined preliminary and final plat submittal of the proposed minor subdivision and make a recommendation to the planning and zoning committee. Other reviewers, such as the health department and the county's review engineer, shall participate in the review, as needed.
      2.   Planning And Zoning Committee: The county board may schedule a meeting of its planning and zoning committee to review the application and provide its own recommendation on the application to the full county board.
      3.   County Board: Upon receiving the recommendation of the planning and zoning committee, the full county board shall act on the minor subdivision at its next regular meeting. The county board shall approve or reject the combined preliminary and final plat submittal of the proposed minor subdivision. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)