8-14-10-1: CONCEPT PLAN:
At the request of the applicant, the zoning officer may conduct an informal review of a concept plan that is provided by the applicant.
   A.   Preapplication Conference: Submittal of a concept plan shall take the place of the preapplication conference specified in section 8-14-2-1, "Preapplication Conference", of this chapter.
   B.   Review Of Plan: The department may designate the subdivision review committee to review the concept plan.
   C.   Contents: The applicant shall submit all items stipulated in section 8-6-2-1, "General Requirements", of this title, at least twenty (20) days before the concept plan meeting.
   D.   Outcome Of Review: A written summary of the concept plan review shall be provided within fourteen (14) days of the concept plan review meeting, provided the applicant has paid the required fee. Neither the applicant nor the county shall be bound by the outcome of the concept plan review. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)