A.   Ventilation And Light: The establishment shall be well ventilated and shall have an artificial light source equivalent to at least twenty (20) foot-candles at three feet (3') above floor level, and at least one hundred (100) foot-candles at the level where the body art procedure is performed and where instruments and sharps are assembled.
   B.   Floors, Walls, Ceilings And Other Surfaces:
      1.   All walls, floors, ceilings, and procedure surfaces shall be light colored, washable, smooth, free of open holes or cracks, and shall be maintained in good repair and clean condition. Carpeting is not permitted within the body art procedure area.
      2.   All procedure surfaces, including client chairs and benches, shall be of such construction as to be easily cleaned and sanitized after each client, with a liquid chemical germicide.
   C.   Procedure Areas:
      1.   Each technician working in the establishment shall have a procedure area with at least forty five (45) square feet of floor space.
      2.   Each establishment shall have at least one (1) procedure area completely screened from public view for clients requesting privacy.
      3.   All body art procedure areas shall be completely separated by solid partitions or by walls extending from floor to ceiling from any room used for human habitation or food preparation, and from any food establishment, hair salon, retail business, or other such activity, which could contaminate work surfaces.
   D.   Partitions: Multiple body art stations shall be separated by dividers, curtains, or partitions, at a minimum.
   E.   Hand Sinks And Lavatories: A separate hand sink with hot and cold running water, under pressure, preferably equipped with wrist or foot operated controls, and supplied with liquid soap and disposable paper towels shall be located within or immediately adjacent to the body art procedure area(s). One (1) hand sink shall serve no more than three (3) operators. In the absence of a separate equipment washing sink, hand sinks may be used for initial cleaning of instruments and equipment prior to sanitization or sterilization procedures. In addition, there shall be a minimum of one (1) lavatory, excluding any service sinks, and one (1) toilet for use by clients and customers in each body art establishment. (Ord. 99-060, 10-12-1999)
   F.   Waste Receptacles:
      1.   At least one (1) covered, nonmedical waste receptacle shall be provided in each procedure area and each toilet room.
      2.   Separate medical waste containers with proper labeling shall be provided in each procedure area.
      3.   Receptacles shall be emptied daily, and solid waste shall be removed from the premises at least weekly.
      4.   All refuse containers shall be lidded, cleanable, and shall be kept clean.
   G.   Insects And Vermin:
      1.   Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the entrance of insects, vermin, and rodents into the establishment, such as screened openings and automatic closures on doors.
      2.   No insects, vermin, and rodents shall be present in any part of the establishment, its appurtenances, or appertaining premises. (Ord. 03-018, 11-13-2003)
   H.   Animals Restricted: No animals of any kind shall be allowed in a body art establishment, except service animals used by persons with disabilities (e.g., seeing eye dogs). Fish aquariums may be allowed in waiting rooms and nonprocedural areas. (Ord. 99-060, 10-12-1999)