A.   Generally: The maximum permitted illumination and the maximum permitted luminaire height shall conform with this section.
   B.   Fixture Type:
      1.   Generally, light fixtures shall be "cutoff" fixtures that limit lighting that is visible or measurable at the property line.
      2.   "Non cutoff" fixtures may be used only for decorative purposes, provided:
         a.   They have luminaires that produce no more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) lumens (approximately equal to a 100W incandescent bulb);
         b.   They have a maximum height of fifteen feet (15'); and
         c.   They use energy efficient bulbs, such as compact fluorescent (CF).
   C.   Maximum Freestanding Fixture Height: No freestanding light fixture shall be greater than twenty five feet (25') in height.
   D.   Maximum Illumination:
      1.   Outdoor lighting shall be deflected, shaded, and focused away from adjacent properties and shall not be a nuisance to such adjacent properties.
      2.   Outdoor lighting shall be designed so that any overspill of lighting onto adjacent properties shall not exceed three-tenths (3/10) foot-candle, measured vertically, and three-tenths (3/10) foot-candle, measured horizontally, on adjacent properties.
      3.   The ground level luminance ratio (the ratio between the luminance of the brightest point on the property and the darkest point on the property) shall not exceed twelve to one (12:1).
      4.   If additional light is necessary, it shall be provided within an enclosed structure.
   E.   Canopy Lighting: Canopy lighting for uses that have sheltered outside work or service areas, such as gas stations, shall meet the standards of this section. All luminaires shall be recessed into the canopy so that they cannot be viewed from off site from an eye height of four feet (4') (to protect automobile drivers from glare).
   F.   Outside Wall Mounted Lighting: No outside wall mounted lighting is permitted unless it is a cutoff fixture that is pointed straight down. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)