A.   General Placement Requirements: All electric, telephone, television, and other communication lines, both main and service connections, servicing new developments shall be provided by underground wiring. They shall be placed within easements or dedicated public rights of way and installed in accordance with the prevailing standards and practices of the utility or other companies providing such services. Placement of such utility lines within easements rather than street rights of way is preferred and shall be required where necessary to avoid or minimize conflict with pavements, drainage systems, or sewer and water utilities.
   B.   Use Of Overhead Existing Lines: Lots that abut existing easements or public rights of way where overhead electric or telephone distribution supply lines and service connections have previously been installed may be supplied with electric and telephone service from those overhead lines. However, the service connections from the utilities' overhead lines shall be installed underground. In the case of existing overhead utilities, should a road widening, or an extension of service, or other such condition occur as a result of the subdivision and necessitate the replacement or relocation of such utilities, such replacement or relocation shall be underground.
   C.   Pole Locations: Where overhead lines are permitted as the exception, the placement and alignment of poles shall be designed to lessen the visual impact of overhead lines.
      1.   Alignments and pole locations shall be carefully routed to avoid locations along horizons.
      2.   Clearing swaths through treed areas shall be avoided by selective cutting and a staggered alignment.
      3.   Trees shall be planted in open areas and at key locations to minimize the view of the poles and the alignments, and alignments shall follow rear lot lines and other alignments. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)