Signs are permitted in the commercial general (CG), and commercial interchange (CI) districts subject to applicable regulations set forth in other ordinances of the county and the following:
   A.   On Premises Permanent Signs: Signs with no moving parts are permitted, subject to the following provisions:
      1.   Permitted Types And Positioning: Ground signs, wall signs, awnings, canopy signs, and marquees are permitted.
         a.   Maximum Height: The height of ground signs shall not exceed twenty feet (20'), except on parcels or tracts located adjacent to an interstate highway, where ground signs oriented to interstate traffic may project up to forty feet (40').
         b.   Maximum Size: The total gross surface area in square feet of all signs on a lot shall not exceed:
            (1)   A maximum area of two hundred (200) square feet, or
            (2)   Four (4) times the number of linear feet in the length of the building wall facing the front lot line. On a corner or through lot, each lot line adjoining a street shall be considered a separate front lot line.
      2.   Mixed Use Developments And Shopping Centers: Individual occupancies in a multi-tenant structure, planned development, or shopping center shall use wall signs only. However, one ground sign facing each street may be provided to identify the name and address of the shopping center; this sign (or signs) may include a bulletin area for advertising special events, promotional sales taking place on the premises, or public announcements.
         a.   Such ground sign shall be not less than ten feet (10') from any lot line, shall have a gross surface area of not more than one hundred sixty (160) square feet, which may be in addition to the maximum gross surface area as permitted in subsection A1b of this section, and shall not project higher than thirty feet (30') above grade.
         b.   When located within fifty feet (50') of a street intersection, the ground sign shall have its lowest level not less than eight feet (8') above the grade below it, and when located within three feet (3') of a driveway or parking area, it shall have the lowest level not less than twelve feet (12') above the grade below it.
      3.   Illumination: Signs may be illuminated. Such lighting shall comply with the requirements of section 8-5-6, "Structural And Safety Requirements For Signs", of this chapter.
      4.   Master Sign Plan Requirements: In new shopping centers and other multi-tenant commercial developments, all individual signs shall be of a similar type and shall have a consistent size, lettering style, color scheme, and material construction. Trademarked signs and corporate logos are exempt from this requirement.
         a.   A master sign plan shall be included in the required development review and approval submittals.
         b.   After approval of a master sign plan, or an amended master sign plan, no sign shall be erected, placed, painted, or maintained, except in accordance with such plan.
   B.   Temporary Signs: Temporary signs shall comply with the requirements of section 8-5-5, "General Design And Placement Of Signs", of this chapter.
   C.   Outdoor Advertising Signs: Off premises outdoor advertising signs ("billboards") shall only be permitted on parcels of land abutting I-55 and I-80, provided such signs have no moving parts, shall conform with other county codes or ordinances and Illinois statutes, and shall conform with the following regulations:
      1.   Spacing: Along I-55 and I-80, no advertising sign shall be located nearer than two thousand feet (2,000') from another outdoor advertising sign.
      2.   Maximum Area Of Displays:
         a.   Each outdoor advertising sign structure shall contain not more than two (2) display surfaces. Each surface shall advertise only one item.
         b.   The structure shall have a length and height of not more than such dimension needed to secure either two (2) standardized fifteen foot by twenty five foot (15' x 25') poster panel displays or a single fifteen foot by fifty five foot (15' x 55') bulletin display on each surface. The overall display surface (both sides) shall not exceed one thousand six hundred fifty (1,650) square feet.
      3.   Location:
         a.   Off premises outdoor advertising signs ("billboards") shall only be permitted on tracts of land abutting I-55 and I-80. No off premises outdoor advertising sign shall be located along other roads or on other parcels in the county.
         b.   No outdoor advertising sign shall be located nearer than fifty feet (50') from a side lot line, nor nearer than one hundred fifty feet (150') from a residential district boundary line.
      4.   Illumination: Illumination shall be subject to the safety and nuisance restrictions contained in section 8-8-3-3, "Public Safety And Public Nuisance", of this title.
   D.   Additional Restrictions For The Commercial Interchange (CI) District:
      1.   No sign may be erected that exceeds in area twelve (12) square feet or two (2) square feet per linear foot of building facade.
      2.   No sign may be erected or maintained within one thousand feet (1,000') of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic if it obscures or interferes with a driver's view of the traffic.
      3.   No two (2) sign structures on the same side of the highway shall be erected less than three hundred feet (300') apart, unless as otherwise provided in the Illinois highway advertising control act of 1971 1 . (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)



1. 225 ILCS 440/1 et seq.