All signs listed below shall be prohibited under this chapter:
   A.   Encroaching Signs: Signs in the right of way and signs or supports that encroach into the public right of way, other than those required by governmental authority. This prohibition shall not apply to commercial vehicles or trailers lawfully operated or parked in such areas.
   B.   Rotating Or Flashing Signs: Motion signs that flash, revolve, rotate, whirl, spin, or otherwise make use of motion to attract attention. This prohibition excludes flags, pennants, and barbers' poles that have a turning, striped cylinder, which does not exceed forty two inches (42") in height and which otherwise meets the requirements of this UDO.
   C.   Dynamic Display: Signs that appear to have movement or that appear to change, caused by any method other than physically removing and replacing the sign or its components, whether the apparent movement or change is in the display, the sign structure itself, or any other component of the sign. This includes a display that incorporates a technology or method allowing the sign face to change the image without having to physically or mechanically replace the sign face or its components. This also includes any rotating, revolving, moving, flashing, blinking, or animated display and any display that incorporates rotating panels, LED lights manipulated through digital input, "digital ink", or any other method or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays.
   D.   Misleading Or Obstructing Signs: Signs that, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination, may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of emergency or road equipment vehicles or which hide from view any traffic or street sign, signal, or device. This category also includes obstructing signs that violate the sight visibility regulations of this title.
   E.   Sound Bearing Signs: Any sign that emits any form of sound or detectable noise.
   F.   Wind Signs: Wind signs are intended to produce attention getting motion and are, therefore, prohibited.
   G.   Obsolete Or Unsafe Signs: Signs that are located on property that becomes vacant and is unoccupied for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or more or any sign that pertains to a dated event or purpose that no longer applies. The prohibition also includes deteriorated, dilapidated, or unsafe signs.
   H.   Stationary Vehicle Signs: Signs on motor vehicles or trailers when such motor vehicles or trailers are parked in a manner or position visible to traffic passing along an arterial or collector street. Said vehicles shall not be engaged in, or not imminently awaiting, the loading or unloading of cargo into or from such motor vehicle or trailer, to the end that such motor vehicle or trailer sign is intentionally being used as an advertising device, not a mode of transportation.
   I.   Nonauthorized Signs: Illegal signs that have been or are erected, altered, repaired, or relocated without having received an applicable permit, certificate, or approval, and without being erected, altered, repaired, or relocated in conformance with the applicable building and electrical codes of the county. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)